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Our philosophy 1

Our philosophy

Transparency, confidentiality, discretion and sustainability

Centro Studi Monte SA positions itself in a rather traditional wealth and asset management policy, inspired by principles of caution, but at the same time profitability, which steer the "good family man" and the dynamic businessman. Transparency, confidentiality and discretion are our guiding principles.

Being part and actively assisting clients in the achievement to creating wealth, is for an enterprising and motivated team a central core of our business. 


In finance, innovation is exponentially linked to economic cycles and technological changes, which bring with them new financial products, significant vectors of economic growth. It is essential to adopt an approach leading to short-term choices to accompany a long journey of wealth creation.

From this point of view our investment strategies are guided by the paradigm of sustainability, where finance and economy are at the service of humanity (and not the other way around) and profits lead to a growth of personal assets and brings general benefits to society.

In selecting our investments, an important role is played by both classic financial criteria, and through our property algorithms, also the ability of companies to generate solid operational criteria environmental protection, social responsibility and transparent governance, resulting in growth production, added value and culture.